تقرير كامل عن موقع غود سبيكرز حول الاجئين السوريين

UN Reports Record Number of Refugees Fleeing Syrian Conflict

Tuesday, September 4, 2012 - 04:00 to Wednesday, September 5, 2012 - 04:00
Update March 6, 2:45pm: The UNHCR reports "Data received from UNHCR’s offices in the Syria region shows that the number of Syrians either registered as refugees or being assisted as such reached the one million mark today."   See post "One Million Refugees Have Left Violence in Syria"
(earlier post)
According to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), "the number of refugees fleeing Syria "rose sharply in August, with 103,416 people seeking asylum in surrounding countries.   It was the highest monthly total of the Syria crisis to date and brought the total number of Syrian refugees registered or awaiting registration to more than 235,300."
The main organizations who are assisting refugees include UNHCR, UNICEFSave the Children, and theInternational Committee of the Red Cross/Red Crescent.  UNICEF reports that children make up more than half of the refugees in the Zataari refugee camp  in Jordan.


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