Lebanon prevent the entry of Palestinian refugees, the Syrian territory and ask Syria not to grant permits

In a new move by the government to prevent the Palestinian Syrian Lebanese from entering its territory and asked the Syrian government to deny permits for Palestinian refugees Syria to enter Lebanon
This decision is unfair and dangerous right of the Palestinian met with disapproval and widespread among Palestinian Refugees in every country in the world and adding to pressure the government to the Lebanese on the Palestinian Syrian based security Lebanese arrested a lot of Palestinian refugees displaced from Syria under the pretext of the end of the visa or residence Mtnassen violating the international norms and human rights of because it is the Palestinian refugees and Ba originally came from Syria as a refugee to their country because of the war raging Where is the Palestinian government and where UNRWA and the UN about what is happening in Lebanon


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

التسجيل لتوزيع اللاجئين الفلسطينيين على أميركا وأوروبا

هذه إنسانية المشافي في لبنان تجاه الاجئيين فهل من مغيث ؟